Introducing the DCS2019 Winner
Interview with the winner of the tournament: WillOfD
――When did you start playing the game?
I have been playing it since it started.
――Who would you say is your favorite character?
I like Santana. I can’t wait for a new Santana in the game.
――Did you change up anything in your strategy when preparing for the Finals?
I went with my go-to team. I would get too stressed out if I was changing in different players, so I went with what I knew.
――What were you feeling when you came here to Japan for the Finals?
If you lost even once it was over…So I thought I’d be in trouble if I lost in my first game. But it was my first time in Japan, so I would have been happy to come even if I did lose (laughs).
――You said you were nervous. What was your secret to your victory?
I was very nervous indeed. But I think the nervousness helped me win.
――You overcame opponents from both the Offline Qualifiers and top Online Qualifier players, do you feel like you are now truly on top?
Yes! (Laughs) I feel so happy. I feel like I have played against the strongest and won.
――How was the tournament looking back on it?
It’s been a great experience. I want to keep playing to prepare for the next tournament.